Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Thunderstorms, massages and foot baths...

Today was a great day for the garden! We had a delicious rain for most of the morning...till aournd noon. All in all we only got a little less than 1/3 of an inch but it was a slow gentle rain that soaked into the ground. Some lightning and thunder made the morning complete. I woke up at 5:30am to the sound of thunder and was so excited...that I jumped out of bed and ran to sit on my back porch to watch the storm.

I made another trip to see if I could get some lavender...but once again the greenhouse was closed. I'm guessing that it was the rain...they didnt figure anyone would be out in the rain. Oh well...may try again tomorrow.

To make the day complete, I had a massage in the afternoon. I love my massage therapist. She is one of the best! She always uses a scented massage..and you know that the way to health is a daily scented bath and a scented massage! Today we used lavender oil and sweet orange. I even got a scented foot bath! What a great day.

The clouds have parted and the sun is out...we are heading up to the high 90s for the rest of the week...time to check the garden.

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